Chat Bots

Chatbots A chatbot is way of automating your messaging service, usually through Facebook Messenger. It’s a great way of being there for your customers 24/7. Josh talks about how chatbots are going to be the next big thing and about the advantages they can offer to both you and your customers.

Call to action

Call to action In marketing, you want to give your audience a way to take the next step in the process you want them to follow. You need to make it clear and simple, so Josh provides examples of how to accomplish this so that you can increase your conversion rate.


  Websites When doing anything with your website, start thinking about your customers and what they actually need. It’s easy for customers to leave your website and bring their business elsewhere, so Josh shares how to avoid this and how to critique your website to be more customer-friendly.


Signage Signage for your business can range from the signs on your building, to billboards, to your website, and more. The key to any of these types of signage is making sure that they are relevant and easy to understand. Josh reveals how you can achieve this and ensure customers acquire useful knowledge about your…

SEO keywords

SEO Keywords One of the key steps when beginning any SEO (search engine optimization) campaign is deciding which keywords you want to target. Josh provides quick tips for choosing these keywords and researching the websites that you will be competing with for the best ranking.

Ideal Avatar

Ideal Avatar When you want to start any type of marketing, you need to think about who your ideal customer is and how to market to them. This can be done by creating an ideal avatar: a profile of a hypothetical, ideal customer of yours. Josh talks about why this method allows you to reach…


Episode 1 – Events A great way to reach a large number of people at one time is with events. You can do them in-person or online; both are great for establishing a connection with your audience. Josh shares how to set them up, how to advertise them, and an example of a successful dentistry…